Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Easy2Boot v1.55 can display files in the menu without their file extensions

Files in E2B menus are normally displayed by using their full  filename + extension, as below...

You can use a .txt file to define an alternate menu entry for each file.

However, now with v1.55, if you use  set EXTOFF=1 in the \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file, all files in all menus will be displayed without their file extensions, as shown below...

You can use spaces in the filename if you wish (see #4).

A Beta7 version of 1.55 is available in the Alternate Downloads area as usual.

It is almost ready for release, I am just waiting for one bugfix to grub4dos 0.4.6a from the developers.
E2B v1.55 will complain if the latest version of grub4dos is not used. Although it may work using earlier versions of grub4dos, some bugs have been fixed recently in grub4dos (one of which was quite serious to do with writing to NTFS files not working), so a new version is 'required'.

Many thanks to the E2B users who have suggested small tweaks and improvements to make E2B even better!

The latest grub4dos also allows you to disable or change the ► symbol that is displayed at the side of the highlighted menu entry - see the \_ISO\Sample_MyE2B.cfg file for details.

P.S. MakePartImage has also been updated to v 0.037 and now includes RMPartUSB.exe in the \e2b folder so you can restore the E2B partition from Windows using the RestoreE2B.cmd script, without needing to boot from the E2B USB drive to the CSM menu.

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Sunday, 17 August 2014

Add Desinfect+Persistent Virus Updates to your Easy2Boot USB drive

Here are the steps to add the Desinfect 2014 (and 2015/2016/2017/2018/201819) ISO to you E2B USB drive and have persistent virus definition updates too ...

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Add Desinfect 2014 + Persistence to your Easy2Boot multiboot USB drive

As with most ISO files, you can just add the Desinfect 2014 ISO file to your Easy2Boot USB drive and boot from it in BIOS/MBR mode - OR - you can drag-and-drop the ISO onto the MPI Toolkit FAT32 Windows Desktop icon to make a partition image file and then add the ct_desinfect_2014.imgPTN file to your Easy2Boot drive, if you want to 64-bit UEFI-boot to Desinfect as well as MBR-boot.

If you want to enable persistence however, you will need to use a special .mnu file as well as the Desinfect ISO file.

Adding a persistence ext2 file allows some Desktop settings to be remembered after a reboot. For instance, any files placed on the Desktop will be preserved. However, the background wallpaper is reset to the Desinfect wallpaper after every boot.

I also could not get the antivirus updates to be persistent using this method, they have to be downloaded each time you boot to Desinfect.

Note: You can have persistent updates, but not with persistence as well - see the next blog post!

Here is the .mnu file. The top lines are comment lines and contain instructions on how to add persistence. The .mnu file is also available in the Alternate Download Area from here.

# Make a \casper-rw ext2 file using RMPrepUSB in the root of the drive using RMPrepUSB
# File Name=desinfect-rw  Volume Name=casper-rw size=500MB or change as desired
# Place this .mnu file and the ISO in either \_ISO\MainMenu\MNU or \_ISO\LINUX\MNU
# This menu will work even on an NTFS USB boot drive
# IMPORTANT: you MUST run WinContig (Ctrl+F2) before booting E2B.

iftitle [if exist $HOME$/ct_Desinfect_2014.iso] Desinfect 2014 PERSISTENT\n Boot using .mnu file with persistence
if exist CD echo WARNING: Cannot use partnew command! && pause && configfile (bd)/menu.lst
if "%E2BDEV%"=="" set E2BDEV=hd0 && pause E2BDEV forced to hd0!
set ISO=ct_Desinfect_2014.iso
set PER=/desinfect-rw
#enable parttype output
debug 1
# make empty table entry in 3rd position in ptn table
parttype (%E2BDEV%,2) | set check=
debug off
set check=%check:~-5,4%
if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%E2BDEV%,2) 0 0 0
if not "%check%"=="0x00" echo WARNING: PTN TABLE 3 IS ALREADY IN USE - PERSISTENCE MAY NOT WORK! && pause
debug 1
if not exist %PER% echo WARNING: %PER% persistence file not found! && pause
errorcheck off
set P=0
if "%check%"=="0x00" partnew (%E2BDEV%,2) 0x0 %PER% && set P=1
errorcheck on

set L=debian-installer/language=de console-setup/layoutcode?=de
set ask=
#English text below can be changed to German
if "%P%"=="1" echo -e PERSISTENCE IS ENABLED: Some settings, Desktop items, etc. will be remembered after reboot.\n\nNote: The background will always be reset back to the Desinfect wallpaper.\n      Virus updates are not persistent.\n      Always SHUTDOWN correctly to avoid corrupting the persistence file.\n

set /p:3 ask=Press E and [Enter] for English (within 3 seconds)... 

if /i "%ask%"=="E" set L=
#set L=debian-installer/language=en console-setup/layoutcode?=en

#map ptn 4 to ISO
partnew (%E2BDEV%,3) 0x0 $HOME$/%ISO%
map $HOME$/%ISO% (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
set A=file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper 
set B=iso-scan/filename=
set INTISO=/software/desinfect-2014.iso
set C=quiet splash memtest=4 -- 
set D=persistent persistent-path=/
if not exist %INTISO% echo ERROR: INTISO is set to %INTISO% but it is not present inside %ISO% && pause

kernel /casper/vmlinuz %A% %B%%INTISO% %C% %L% %D%
initrd /casper/initrd.lz

Note that the ct_Desinfect_2104.iso file actually contains a second ISO file inside it (/software/desinfect-2104.iso). It is this ISO file that we must use for the iso-scan/filename parameter.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

F1 Help function added to Easy2Boot v1.55

A user requested an F1 help hotkey feature, so I have added this into E2B v1.55.

There is a new .mnu file for the Help Main menu entry and the actual Help text (English only) is held in an F1.cfg file:

  • \_ISO\MAINMENU\ZZZF1SubMenuHelp.mnu
  • \_ISO\e2b\grub\ENG\F1.cfg

Help menu screen (F1.cfg)

Help text is displayed in the console screen.

It is expected that the user will want his own F1 menu, so all they have to do is copy the \_ISO\e2b\grub\ENG\F1.cfg file to the \_ISO folder and edit it to show whatever help text they want for their E2B payload files and hotkeys, etc.

If you do not want a Main menu entry, but you still want the F1 hotkey to work, then you can specify a generic F1 hotkey in the \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file. The user can then press F1 in any E2B menu and they will see the Help menu and so no Main Menu entry is needed.

There is example code in the Sample_MyE2B.cfg file for this (just uncomment the 3 lines):

# Make the F1 key show the Help Menu from any menu (uncomment 3 lines below) - you can put your own help file in \_ISO\F1.cfg
###if exist /_ISO/F1.cfg   ()/%grub%/hotkey [F1] "configfile /_ISO/F1.cfg" > nul && goto :f1skp
###if exist /%grub%/%LANG%/F1.cfg ()/%grub%/hotkey [F1] "configfile /%grub%/%LANG%/F1.cfg" > nul && goto :f1skp
###if exist /%grub%/ENG/F1.cfg ()/%grub%/hotkey [F1] "configfile /%grub%/ENG/F1.cfg" > nul

The F1 Help menu can be removed from the MAIN Menu by deleting the file \_ISO\MAINMENU\ZZZF1SubMenuHelp.mnu (in later versions of E2B use 'set NOF1=1' in the \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file). is available from the Alternate Download links on the Easy2Boot Download page.

Friday, 8 August 2014

New .cfg file extension recognised by Easy2Boot

The new version 1.55 of E2B recognises the .cfg file extension which can be used for changing the 'theme' of E2B  (non-volatile, the change will be remembered on reboot).

Any .cfg files that are in a menu folder (e.g. \_ISO\MAINMENU or \_ISO\UTILITIES, etc.) will be enumerated and listed in the relevant menu.

The contents of the .cfg file should be the same as the contents of a valid MyE2B.cfg file.
When you select a .cfg file from the menu, QRUN.g4b runs and copies the contents of the file to the \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file (which, of course, must be present).

The \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file must be at least as big as your .cfg file.

To change the menu entry from just listing the filename+extension, you can make a .txt file for each .cfg file (containing a 'title' entry) in the usual way or use the 'set EXTOFF=1' line in the \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file.

In this way you can switch to any 'theme' from a menu entry.

Jolene.cfg added to MAINMENU

To demo E2B menu capabilities or compare 'themes'  see for ideas.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Add graphics adapter resolution auto-detection into Easy2Boot

You may want to display your E2B menu in the highest/best resolution possible.
For instance, some odd systems may not support 800x600 mode.

I always advise you to use the most common display resolution so that the menu will appear correctly on all systems. However, you can arrange E2B so that it will cope with a variety of different systems.

You will need a range of wallpaper bitmaps for each resolution (though in some cases the largest bitmap may work for smaller resolution displays).

Auto-Detect highest resolution and use correct wallpaper

The code below can be used in a \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg menu to auto-detect the highest resolution available and then set the graphicsmode and wallpaper for that resolution. 

Note that the position of the menu will remain the same (unless you also add extra code - e.g. if "%GMODE%"=="1024 768 24" set rstart=5) and so will the text colours, etc. See the Sample MyE2B.cfg file for an example.

So each wallpaper bitmap should be similar in colour and content because the menu position and text colours will not change.

# allow vbeprobe command to output text
debug 1
# list all available BIOS graphics adpapter modes
vbeprobe > (md)0x220+5
# turn off text output for future commands
debug off
# look for 640, 800 and 1024 modes - be careful to only use x24 or x32 modes for full colour bitmaps
cat --locate=", 640x480x24"  (md)0x220+5 > nul && set GMODE=640 480 24 && set MYWBMPGZ=/_ISO/nice640.bmp.gz
cat --locate=", 800x600x24"  (md)0x220+5 > nul && set GMODE=800 600 24 && set MYWBMPGZ=/_ISO/nice800.bmp.gz
cat --locate=", 1024x768x24" (md)0x220+5 > nul && set GMODE=1024 768 24 && set MYWBMPGZ=/_ISO/nice1024.bmp.gz

cat (md)0x220+5

Add a Change Language menu entry to Easy2Boot

This Change_Language.mnu file will be in the Sample mnu Files folder in v1.55 and later versions.
It allows the user to temporarily change the language strings (until reboot).

Using this and the Change_Theme.mnu, you can demo E2B to your colleagues!

You can modify it by adding or removing languages or write it in a different language other than English (save the file as UTF-8 if using non ASCII characters).

title Change the E2B Language\n Change the standard E2B menus to a different language
echo Change Language
echo -e ===============
echo Only the standard E2B menu entries, headings and some prompts will change.
echo  Note: This does not change the E2B Header or the Footer help text
echo Please choose a language...
echo 1 English
echo 2 Spanish
echo 3 German
echo 4 Brazilian Portuguese
echo 5 Simplified Chinese
echo 6 Traditional Chinese
set ask=
set /p ask=Please enter a number : 
if "%ask%"=="2" set LANG=SPANISH
if "%ask%"=="3" set LANG=GERMAN
if "%ask%"=="4" set LANG=PORTU_BRAZIL
if "%ask%"=="5" set LANG=SIMP_CHINESE
if "%ask%"=="6" set LANG=TRAD_CHINESE

configfile /%grub%/Menu.lst

Note that you can set a default language in your \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file, but it must be set using a line like this - otherwise the Change Language menu will not work:

if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=SPANISH

Add a 'Change Theme' menu to Easy2Boot

It is fairly easy to add a .mnu file which allows the user to choose a different background wallpaper:

title Change Wallpaper\n Choose a new E2B menu background
call /%grub%/pickafile.g4b /_ISO .gz
if "%CHOSEN%"=="" configfile (md)0xa000+0x50
splashimage /_ISO/%CHOSEN%
configfile (md)0xa000+0x50

The .gz files must contain a bitmap of exactly the correct resolution size - e.g. 800x600  (801x588 will NOT work!). The actual existing menu text and border positions, etc. is not changed however, so the images that you use should work with the same settings used by E2B as the default (or as used in your \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file). So you will need to pick your images carefully (plain colour ones work best).

Today, devdevadev asked me if he could have a menu to switch between themes. You can use this to demo E2B, e.g. switch backgrounds, language, font, colours, etc.

A menu would prompt you to pick a .cfg file as shown below:

Here is the .mnu file that I came up with:

# Place all MyE2B.cfg and wallpaper files in \_ISO\mythemes and all rename .cfg files (amd any message GFXBoot file if more than one)
# Edit each \_ISO\mythemes\xx.cfg file so background or GFX has correct path
# e.g. set MYWBMPGZ=/_ISO/mythemes/stripedflat.bmp.gz  OR set GFX=mythemes/message  (note: no /_ISO/ for GFX path)
# Rename \_ISO\Sample_MyE2B.cfg to \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg (must be >1KB and larger than largest xxx.cfg file)
# For the default E2B theme, make a \_ISO\mythemes\Default_Theme.cfg file with just !BAT on the first line
# \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file must be contiguous due to bug in grub4dos!

title Change Theme\n Choose a new E2B Theme

if not exist /_ISO/MyE2B.cfg echo ERROR: Please create a large \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file && pause && configfile (md)0xa000+0x50
errorcheck on
debug normal
graphicsmode 3
echo Pick a Theme...
call /%grub%/pickafile.g4b /_ISO/mythemes .cfg
if "%CHOSEN%"=="" set DONEMENU= && configfile ()/%grub%/menu.lst
echo Overwriting \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file with \_ISO\mythemes\%CHOSEN%...
# fill (rd) with 0's , 0x82d0 is rd-base mem address, Fn24 is memset - fill memory  <addr> <string> <size>
map (md)0x300+200 (rd) > nul ;; read 0x82d0 > nul ;; call Fn.24  %@retval% 0x20  102400 > nul  
dd if=(rd)+1 of=()/_ISO/MYE2B.cfg > nul
if exist ()/_ISO/mythemes/%CHOSEN% dd if=()/_ISO/mythemes/%CHOSEN% of=()/_ISO/MyE2B.cfg > nul
if exist ()/_ISO/mythemes/%CHOSEN% chainloader /grldr

I tested this using these files in the E2B \_ISO\mythemes folder :

The 'graphicsmode 3switch is required only if you use GFX Boot menus such as the sample Jolene_GFX.mnu. You can delete it if you don't have any GFXBoot .cfg files. If you do use GFXBoot menus, you will also need to copy all the \_ISO\docs\GFXSubMenu Files .mnu files into \_ISO\MAINMENU or else some menu entries will be missing from the GFXBoot menu when selected (this applies to any GFXBoot menu).

Both .mnu files will be in the Sample mnu Files folder in v1.55 of E2B and I will also put them in the Alternate Download area for a while too.

v1.55 will have the mythemes folder and a selection of .cfg files to choose from. You will just need to copy a $Default E2B Menu.cfg file to \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg and the .mnu file to \_ISO\MAINMENU.

Notes: due to a bug I just discovered in grub4dos, make sure you run WinContig on the E2B drive to make all files contiguous. It seems there is a problem with grub4dos and NTFS volumes if this is not done (if the target file is fragmented, then only the first 8096 bytes are actually copied when using dd on some files!).

And due to another bug, the full path for the bitmap file needs to be kept shorter than approx 64 characters as the splashimage command cannot handle long pathnames!

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Easy2Boot v1.54 released

Improvements over 1.53 are:
  1. Bugfix for forcing file extension using qrun.g4b and .isowb files
  2. memtest86 32-bit UEFI boot file added - if you UEFI-boot a 32-bit or 64-bit system from a FAT32 E2B USB drive it will now run memtest86 
  3. Make_E2B_USB_Drive.cmd now checks for Admin rights and also removes EFI folder to save space if you formatted it as NTFS (as you cannot directly UEFI-boot from an NTFS partition). 
  4. New .imgPTNAUTO file extension supported (no user prompt to switch partitions). 
  5. AUTOCSM variable in MyE2B.cfg will now cause all .imgPTN files to auto-run, just as if they all had the .imgPTNAUTO file extension.
  6. Added a 'Measure USB Performance' menu entry into Utilities menu to allow testing of BIOSes with slow USB access
  7. Bugfix for ISOs with long filenames ending in .isoWB. 
  8. Sample WinBuilder .mnu changed for same fix as above. 
  9. New grub4dos 0.4.5c grldr version. 
  10. File enumeration speed improvements - should make for faster booting on systems with slow BIOSes. 
  11. linux script added to format a USB drive as an E2B drive under linux.

Slow to load the Main Menu?

Several people have reported in the E2B forum that E2B takes several minutes to get to the Main menu even when using a fast USB 3.0 flash drive. This is due to the particular system BIOS having very poor quality USB 'drivers' which makes USB communication very slow. Because E2B needs to access all files in the \_ISO\MAINMENU folders and \_ISO\WINDOWS folders several times during start-up, this can result in a long wait on systems with these slow BIOSes. The speed does not depend on how fast the CPU is or how fast the USB drive is (though that can affect timings), it depends on how well written the USB driver code is in the BIOS (good code will use interrupts and DMA, bad quality code will use polling which can cause long delays as each USB bus 'message' is sent or received). Because BIOS vendors tend to use the same code modules for different systems, you may find that the same 'family' always have poor USB performance (e.g. AWARD V6.00PG BIOS). Of course, once you boot to an Operating System  such as linux or Windows, the OS uses it's own USB drivers and we will get decent USB communication speeds.

You can now run a 'Measure USB Performance' test from the Utilities menu (which is really measuring the BIOS USB driver performance as well as USB speed!) to see how long 100 file accesses takes (and also 1000 file accesses). You should see that most systems take between 2-5 seconds for 100 accesses, but slow BIOSes can take 60 seconds!

Note that this test does not measure data transfer performance, just directory access speeds. Also, grub4dos produces faster results on FAT32 USB drives than on NTFS drives, so if comparing times between different USB drives, always use the same formatting for E2B.
Virtual Box + E2B on a USB HDD (100lp=0.8 seconds)

An indication of a BIOS problem, is that booting to E2B using the RMPrepUSB - QEMU button (which is normally much slower than a real system) is faster than when booting on the real 'bad' system using the system's BIOS USB code.

QEMU is normally slower than a real system.
QEMU + E2B on a slow USB Flash drive - 100 loops=16 seconds
On an EeePC (an average BIOS), the same USB drive - 100 loops=3 seconds.

To check for a bad BIOS, boot to E2B on the 'bad' system, and then switch to grub4dos 0.4.6a (it is listed in the Main menu) and then load the grub4dos 0.4.6a USB 2.0 chipset driver (which is listed in the Main menu after loading 0.4.6a). If the USB driver loads successfully and detects your USB drive, you can repeat the  'Measure USB Performance' test to see if file access speeds have improved. Typically, 100 accesses will take less than 2 seconds when the grub4dos USB driver is loaded (if it has recognised the USB 2.0 chipset in the system)! You can use a USB 3.0 drive, but it must be connected to a USB 2.0 port. Unfortunately, the grub4dos USB driver does not recognise all USB 2.0 chipsets/adapters and so it is pot luck whether it works or not on each system.

If the grub4dos USB driver does work, you can enable it on each E2B start-up by setting a variable in the \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file (set GRUB_USB=Y).

If the grub4dos USB driver does not recognise your chipset or for tips on getting E2B to load faster, see the FAQ page.

If you already have an earlier version of E2B, just download the smaller 1.54 (non-DPMS) version and overwrite the files on your E2B USB drive.

Download page is here as usual

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grub4dos secrets!

As you may know, E2B and most of the Tutorials on use grub4dos. I have got to know grub4dos pretty well and I love it's flexibility. It has been improved quite a bit in the last few years (thanks chenall and tinybit!) and there have been some changes which have not been reflected in previous documentation or guides.

So, I just thought I would point out a few articles on the website which you might find useful:

Tutorial 21 is a grub4dos tutorial - useful for beginners and the more advanced user.

Tutorial 71 is about some of the programs which you can run under the grub4dos environment, such as wenv, hotkey, chkpci, fat and bios. It also describes how to run grub4dos batch files.

Tutorial 57 is about configuring grub4dos menus, hiding startup messages, making a silent splash screen, configuring 'secret' keys, etc.

Finally, Here you will find a page about the special hidden, secret and undocumented features of modern grub4dos, also what memory areas grub4dos uses, what internal variables are available, new commands and operators, the undocumented Fn. functions calls and lots of other goodies!

If you want to get a feel for grub4dos batch files, have a look at any of the Easy2Boot grub4dos batch files (they usually have a file extension of .g4b) - an advanced coding example can be found in the dpms2.g4b batch file if you are feeling really geeky!

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Linux script to install Easy2Boot to a USB drive

The latest version now includes a bash shell script which can be run from a linux OS and it will format a partition as FAT32 on the specified drive, copy over the E2B files and then run bootlace to install grub4dos. There is also a script to create an NTFS E2B drive (v1.83+).

I have tested it in a VM (VBox)  using Linux Mint Debian Edition (64-bit) and Ubuntu 14.04.
Of course, there are lots of linux distros and it may not work on all of them.
As it formats a partition, you need to be careful when using it - you have been warned (but it has been independently tested here)!

The E2B download is on this page (linux users will probably not need to use the much larger DPMS version which you will only want if you are intending to install XP from E2B).

Once you have made your E2B FAT32 USB drive, just add all your ISO files to any one of the menu folders - e.g. \_ISO\MAINMENU or \_ISO\LINUX.

Alternatively, you can add your payload files into the downloaded files first, before you run the script. This is useful if you want to make a fresh, contiguous E2B drive and it is often quicker to make a fresh drive, rather than running defragfs to make any added/changed files contiguous.

Here is a screenshot of the script in action. You need to run chmod first before you can run the script.
The script can be found in the \_ISO\docs\linux_utils folder after extracting the files from the download (the folder also contains defragfs which you can use to make your ISO files contiguous - only works on FAT32 volumes).

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E2B v1.83+ includes a script to format a drive as NTFS, plus the udefrag utility to defragment an NTFS drive. Read the ReadMe file for details.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

.imgPTNAUTO file extension is supported in E2B v1.54

E2B v1.54 will support the new .imgPTNAUTO file extension.

This differs from the .imgPTN file extension in that the user does not see the prompt to press a key to switch to the new partition; instead as soon as you select the menu entry, the partition is switched and you are immediately presented with the CSM menu.

For the other variations of .imgPTN files, you can make a special .mnu file, e.g. both of these will go straight to the CSM menu:

title Clonezilla AutoCSM
/%grub%/qrun.g4b    FORCE.imgPTNAUTO     $HOME$/clonezilla-live-2.2.2-37-i686-pae.imgPTN

title Clonezilla AutoCSM
/%grub%/qrun.g4b    $HOME$/clonezilla-live-2.2.2-37-i686-pae.imgPTNLBAa23

You can also use  set AUTOCSM=1  in a \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file to make all types of  .imgPTNxxxx files auto-run to the CSM menu.

The new QRUN.g4b file that supports this is available for download in the easy2boot Alternative download areas (see file).

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Monday, 28 July 2014

UEFI-boot FatDog (Puppy) linux from your Easy2Boot USB drive

FatDog (a 64-bit version of Puppy) now supports 64-bit UEFI booting. Here is how to add it to Easy2Boot and enable UEFI booting.

1. Download FatDog64-631.iso from here
2. Extract the contents of the ISO to a new empty folder on your Windows hard drive - e.g. C:\temp\fatdog631
3. Extract all the files from the efiboot.img file to the C:\temp\fatdog631 folder - you should now have a C:\temp\fatdog631\efi folder (amongst others)...

4. (optional) delete the [BOOT] folder if there is one and the efiboot.img file
5. Drag-and-drop the C:\temp\fatdog631 folder onto the Windows Desktop MPI_FAT32 shortcut to make a .imgPTN file (see - MakePartImage for details). if you want the persistence feature (Save file), increase the size of the FAT32 partition (e.g. add 500MB).

Note that if there is not enough space and Puppy creates a very small Save file, it will not boot until you delete the Save file!

6. Copy the .imgPTN file to your E2B USB drive's \_ISO\MAINMENU folder (or other menu folder)

You can now boot to E2B in the normal way and select the new .imgPTN file. Once you have switched partitions you can UEFI-boot from it (64-bit systems only) or use Clover to UEFI-boot directly or use the CSM menu to boot in MBR mode.

This is the first reFind UEFI boot screen

This is the next menu after pressing [ENTER]

Note: If you wish you can skip the reFind UEFI boot menu and also save some file space as follows (do this after step 4 above or in the partition image itself):

1. Delete all files and folders under the C:\temp\fatdog632\EFI\boot folder
2. Move the \EFI\grub2\grub2.efi file to the \EFI\boot folder
3. Rename the \EFI\boot\grub2.efi file to bootx64.efi

You should now have a single file under the \EFI folder called \EFI\boot\bootx64.efi. When you UEFI-boot, you will see the black menu screen shown above.

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64-bit and 32-bit UEFI for Puppy ISOs

You can drag-and-drop the ISO onto the MPI_FAT32 shortcut to convert it to a .imgPTN file (choose 37 for linux option). I used tahr-6.0.6-uefi.iso. Don't forget to increase the default size suggested if you want to use the Save feature and have persistence.

Switch to the .imgPTN file and the FAT32 partition.

Now extract the contents of the \efi.img file to the root of the E2B drive (i.e. the new FAT32 partition should now contain \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI).

Now it will be UEFI-64-bit bootable.

To add the 32-bit grub boot file, download http://distro.ibibli...2.00-i686-1.txz

Extract the \grub2-efi32-2.00-i686-1.txz\grub2-efi32-2.00-i686-1.tar\usr\share\grub2-efi\grubia32.efi file using 7Zip

Copy it to the \EFI\BOOT folder and rename it to bootia32.EFI, so you have now...

  • \EFI\BOOT\bootia32.efi
  • \EFI\BOOT\bootx64.efi
  • \grub.cfg (should already be present)
Now you should be able to UEFI 32-bit/64-bit and MBR boot.

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Have you tried PXE booting yet?

Nearly all modern computers support Network Booting (aka PXE booting).
You may have seen the option to boot from the network listed in the BIOS boot options of a BIOS Setup menu.

Tutorial #76 on my RMPrepUSB site describes how to set up SERVA which is an incredible Windows utility which can set up any Windows system to function as a PXE server (as well as a normal PC).

Normally, you would need to have access to the network DHCP server (the one that dishes out IP addresses to all the computers on the network) in order to configure PXE booting. The unique thing about SERVA is that you don't need to fiddle with the network DHCP server at all. This is a real boon for home users who usually use their router as the DHCP server. It is also a boon for companies who have a multi-server network and don't allow or want their employees to fiddle with the servers.

The home site for SERVA is here and it has lots of documentation on how to boot loads of different OS's - see here for a list of non-Windows payloads that you can network boot (includes Fedora, Ubuntu, Kali linux, Debian, android x86, GParted and even FreeDos for performing a BIOS upgrade).
To install Windows across the network, it is necessary to ensure that the OS you are booting to has the necessary network drivers included, because once it boots to the Windows PE environment, it will need to pull the install files across the network from the SERVA PC to copy onto the systems hard disk.
SERVA was featured in PC WELT recently (Issue 5 - pg.55)

The free 'Non-Supporter' home-trial version of SERVA can be used to install Windows across the network. The 'Supporter' version is 29.99 and has more features and is used by many companies - see here for a list.

Something to try during the Summer holidays perhaps?

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Friday, 25 July 2014

Add a Cold Boot Attack to Easy2Boot

Jamil recently contacted me and asked how to get the Cold Boot Attack (video) (skip to the 3 minutes point to save time) code 'scraper.bin' to work on an Easy2Boot USB drive. This allows you to capture the contents of a computer's memory onto a USB drive (even if it has been switched off for several seconds!). The idea is that the computers memory may still contain un-encoded AES encryption codes, passwords, etc. which can be deciphered later, once the memory's data has been safely captured.
Note that scraper.bin also displays the last key presses from the keyboard buffer too!

The idea that we came up with for getting this to work with Easy2Boot is now available for all to use, so check out Tutorial 124!

The following scenario of retrieving data from a system that is switched off seems rather far fetched however and may be something that you would only see Tom Cruise doing in Mission Impossible!:

1. User shuts down PC and walks away
2. Tom approaches system from the ceiling and takes it apart
3. Tom uses freezer spray on the internal DIMMs
4. Tom removes the DIMMs and keeps them cold on top of a frozen cold pack or a small flask of liquid Nitrogen which he has in his utility belt
5. Tom replaced the DIMMs with identical ones which he happens to have with him and leaves the building
6. Tom takes the DIMMs to another system in his lab which takes the same sort of memory
7. Tom quickly fits the DIMMs to his PC and his E2B+'scraper' USB drive and switches on the system - all data from the DIMMs are saved to the USB drive
8. Tom analyses the data, gets all the encryption keys and saves the world!

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How to add Floppy Disk Images to Easy2Boot

Floppy disk images usually have the .ima or .img file extension.

You can just add these to your E2B USB drive in the usual way by drag-and-drop to any suitable menu folder (e.g. \_ISO\MAINMENU or \_ISO\DOS or \_ISO\UTILITIES or even \_ISO\LINUX, etc.).

Most people will want to boot to DOS (either FreeDos or MS-DOS) in order to run a DOS utility such as a BIOS update utility or a DOS utility such as HWInfo.

The RMPrepUSB Tutorial 33 includes details on how to make such Floppy Disk Images.

When Easy2Boot boots from a .ima or .img image, the USB drive will be mapped as a floppy disk device (i.e. A:). Any hard disks that are present in the system will appear as C:, D:, etc. but of course, the files on them will only be accessible to DOS if they are FAT16 or FAT32, unless you also have a DOS NTFS driver loaded. The whole floppy disk image is loaded into memory so that you cannot change the files in the image file accidentally (note: if you wish to boot directly so that you can change the contents, use a .IMArw file extension as in v1.54 and later versions).

For instance, you can download the DOS version of HWInfo from here and add it to a floppy disk image as follows:

1. Download the latest DOS version of HWInfo and unpack it fully.
2. Download the file from Tutorial 33 and unpack it to obtain the FREEDOS_288.ima file.
3. Mount the .ima file using WinImage or ImDisk.
4. Copy the two HWInfo files (.exe and .dat) to the floppy disk image.
5. Quit WinImage/ImDisk and save the changes.
6. Copy the .ima file to your E2B USB drive and give it a suitable name - e.g. \_ISO\MAINMENU\HWInfo.ima

When you boot from the image, type HWINFO at the A: DOS prompt to run the program.
If you prefer, add HWINFO to the bottom of the \fdauto.bat file to make it run automatically.

A ready-made payload file HWINFO.IMA.GZ is available in the Alternate Download - Other Files areas. There is also a CPUINFO.IMA.GZ too.

You can add BIOS utilities in the same way.

If you use the .ima file extension, the USB drive will be accessible from DOS as the first hard disk in the system. Any internal hard disks will be the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. Of course, FreeDOS will normally only be able to access them if they are FAT16 or FAT32.

Larger 'floppy' images
If you need a larger image, use ImDisk to create a Dos.img file of whatever size you want as a virtual drive. 
Copy your files onto the virtual drive and then 'Remove' the virtual drive. 
Then copy the Dos.img file to \_ISO\MAINMENU. 
If you like, you can use the contents of RMPrepUSB's FREEDOS_USB_BOOT folder as a source for your bootable FreeDos files (press F3 in RMPrepUSB to see the folder).

Use E2B's FreeDOS floppy image

Here is an easy way to run most DOS-compatible software just by copying the files onto your USB drive.

1. Download HWINFO for DOS and extract the files to a new folder on your E2B USB drive.
Keep the folder name within 8 characters (I used \HWINFO).
You can use the first NTFS partition of the E2B USB drive, but if you have a FAT32 partition on your USB drive, this you will not need to load the NTFS driver (which is a bit flakey!).
2. Now Legacy boot to the E2B DOS menu and run the FreeDOS floppy image.
3. Choose the NTFS option if your files are on the first partition.
4. Now run the program (this assumes the C: drive is the volume with the \HWINFO folder)


Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Re-install linux onto your Asus EeePC using a USB drive

I have added Tutorial 123 to the RMPrepUSB site for anyone wanting to re-install linux onto their Asus EeePC 701 from a USB drive using the 900MB EeePC 701 ISO download.

The larger EeePC downloads (e.g. v1.7  1.9GB) include images for many more EeePC models which can be run Live or can be installed. These larger ISOs can simply be added to your E2B USB drive as .ISO files. See  Tutorial 123 for more details.

Add 64-bit android for x86 Intel Architecture to your E2B USB drive

You can download various versions of 64-bit android for different Intel platforms from here.

Note that these are Betas and so I would recommend you do not try to install it onto your working Windows system! Luckily, most images contain a Live boot option so we can test it out without installing it.

The downloads are in the form of .zip files and contain a disk image which can only boot via UEFI.

To add these to your E2B drive you need to:
  1. Use 7zip or WinRar, etc. to find the live.img payload file which will be inside the .zip download file, e.g. has a live.img file under \out\target\product\haswell_generic. I picked this one for my Z87 Haswell system.
  2. Extract  the live.img file from the .zip file file to a temporary folder (e.g. C:\temp\live.img).
  3. Drag-and-Drop the C:\temp\live.img file onto your MPI_FAT32 Desktop shortcut to automatically create a .imgPTN file
  4. Copy the new live.imgPTN file to your E2B USB drive (e.g. to the \_ISO\MAINMENU folder or \_ISO\LINUX folder) and rename it to something more meaningful (e.g. android_x64_442r1.imgPTN)
Now you can boot in MBR mode (or use QEMU or VBOX) and select the new .imgPTN file to swap over the E2B drive to the new partition image and then go and UEFI-boot it from the correct Intel Platform (e.g. a Haswell-based system in my case). 

Note that UEFI booting from VBox will probably fail as it will refuse to boot from an incorrect CPU\chipset platform.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

How to add Android x86 + Persistence to your Easy2Boot multiboot USB drive

You can run android x86 on an Intel\AMD x86 system from an ISO with persistence directly from your E2B drive.

The steps are:

1. Download a suitable version of Android x86 as an ISO file. Note that you can obtain versions to match different systems (e.g. eeePC, etc.). Using the wrong version on some systems may result in problems with the mouse or touchscreen, etc.
  • android-x86-4.0-r1.1-asus_laptop.iso  for ASUS Laptops/Tablets 
  • android-x86-4.0-r1-amd_brazos.iso     for AMD Brazos platform 
  • android-x86-4.0-r1-eeepc.iso          for ASUS Eee PC family 
  • android-x86-4.0-r1-s103t.iso          for Lenovo S10-3t tablet
  • android-x86-4.0-r1-tegav2.iso         for Tega v2(Atom N455)
  • android-x86-4.0-r1-thinkpad.iso       for IBM thinkpad tablet
  • android-x86-4.0-r1-tx2500.iso         for HP tx2500
2. Copy the ISO file to a MNU folder on your E2B USB multiboot drive (e.g. \_ISO\MAINMENU\MNU or \_ISO\LINUX\MNU).

3. Copy the android_x86_Persistent.mnu file to the same folder as your Android ISO file.

Then Edit the .mnu file so that the ISO filename matches your ISO filename.

4. Create an ext2 file in the E2B root (top level folder) using the RMPrepUSB - Create ext2 FS button - the file name should be \android-rw, but the volume name and size can be whatever you like.

You can instead use Make_ext.exe which is already on the E2B drive. (\_ISO\_Make_Ext.bat).

5. Make all files contiguous using RMPrepUSB - Ctrl+F2.

You can find the android .mnu file in the Alternate Downloads area (link on this page) or in later versions of E2B in the \_ISO\docs\Sample mnu files folder (1.54 or later).

Note that for persistence, we must specify the linux drive name in the kernel parameters. The .mnu code tries to calculate this, but you can override it by typing in the correct letter if it guesses wrongly.

For instance, if you boot from your E2B USB drive on a laptop containing a single HDD, the .mnu file will guess that the USB drive will be 'sdb' once android boots - if this is incorrect, and it will actually be 'sdc' then just type c followed by the [ENTER] key when you are prompted by the E2B menu. If you don't type anything within 2-3 seconds then it will just use the calculated value. If the drive letter is wrong, you just won't get persistence!

Tip: You can tell what drive letter the E2B USB drive is as android boots.

In this case it was a  (sda)

If your mouse is not working in android x86, use the TAB, ESC and ENTER keys as well as other keys to navigate the menus and icons.

Note: I had a few problems booting some of the ISOs in 'Resident' mode on some systems, but the Guest mode seemed to work. Android_x86 also did not seem to like VBox virtual machines much!

See also this video.


It seems that the .iso files do not work well with UEFI-booting and there is a separate .img download for UEFI-booting. Simply drag-and-drop one of the EFI .img files onto the MPI_FAT32 desktop shortcut (after installing the MPI Tool Kit), and create a .imgPTN file. This should now UEFI-boot (but won't MBR boot!)

You can also try the E2B Grub2 menu system which can boot to PhoenixOS via UEFI&MBR 32&64 and remix via UEFI&MBR 64-bit.

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Thursday, 17 July 2014

Booting Windows8.1ToGo from a 'Removable-type' of USB Flash drive

I was recently contacted by 'JFL' about getting Windows8ToGo working on his 64GB SanDisk Extreme flash drive.

He was using Windows 8.1 Enterprise as the source and was following my earlier blog here.

The problem was that although he could install Windows OK, it would not boot.

His SanDisk Extreme was listed as being of the Removable type in RMPrepUSB and it was suspected that this may have been the problem because I found some comments from madscye and creosotechris here which sounded suspiciously like something has changed in Win8.1!

Now, in the past, I have had Win7ToGo booting from a USB removable flash drive OK many times. I have also booted Win 8 in the past on a removable USB Flash drive and that had worked OK.

Experiment 1
I already had a  21GB Win8.1ToGo.imgPTN file which I made earlier on my E2B USB HDD and I copied that onto my 32GB USB 3.0 Corsair GT E2B Removable-type drive (after deleting some ISOs to make room!).
I switched partitions using E2B and then I ran BCDBOOT on it to set the BCD correctly to boot from the different drive.
Result: it booted fine under VBox (which treats the USB drive as an HDD) but NOT on my Acer laptop (ever-lasting spinning circle of dots!).

So I did another experiment...

Experiment 2 - fresh install
1. Using DISM, Install Win8.1 Enterprise onto a 16Gb Lexar JumpDrive USB 2.0 which appears as a Fixed Disk (install took about an hour!)
2. Boot from the Lexar USB drive on an Acer Aspire 7741G laptop - go through user setup to Desktop (again very slow!).
3. Reboot and check boots from USB drive OK - all was working fine.
4. Use Bootit.exe to Flip the Bit so the USB drive is now a Removable drive
5. Boot from it on the Acer laptop again
Result: FAIL! (ever-lasting spinning circle of dots)

Experiment 3
1. I re-ran BootIt.exe and flipped back to a Fixed Disk type again
Result: The Lexar boots just fine!

So proof that Win 8.1 ToGo must be run from a Fixed-disk type of  USB drive!

[Update] Win10 (first release) also has same issue. It can be overcome by booting from a VHD file containing WindowsToGo.
Windows 10 Creator now allows us to use Removable or Fixed disk USB drives for flat-file booting - hurrah!
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Wednesday, 16 July 2014

E2B Updates

In the last few days there have been a few small changes to E2B.

E2B v1.53 - has TRAD_CHINESE language added (thanks to Andrew :-). It also has a bugfix to the Make_E2B_USB_Drive.cmd script which used the wrong version of grub4dos to install code to the MBR of the E2B USB drive (reported by JF-L). This did not cause a problem unless you tried to boot a .imgPTN file - then you would get an error from E2B Qrun.g4b complaining about 'No Grub4dos installed to the MBR of this drive!' I have now changed the script and also changed Qrun.g4b so any version of grub4dos MBR code can be used. If you have seen this error message, it can be fixed by using RMPrepUSB to reinstall grub4dos to the MBR of your USB drive (recommended) or by updating your E2B USB stick to v1.53.

Info: The version of grubinst.exe used in RMPrepUSB has been modified by me to make it more boot-compatible on a wider range of systems than the standard grubinst.exe (the standard version is called grubinst_new.exe in RMPrepUSB). The boot code in the standard grub4dos MBR does not boot on some systems due to some BIOSes detecting what they think is invalid boot code. The special version of grubinst.exe in RMPrepUSB is limited to installing grub4dos to drives numbered 0-9 only, but fixes this problem, so that these few weird systems will also boot to grub4dos. That is why I recommend you always prepare your E2B USB drive using RMPrepUSB or the Make_E2B_USB_Drive script (and for other reasons too, like FAT32 writes are up to 10% faster on a flash drive if you use RMPartUSB to format them!).

The other update is to the MPI Tool pack - MPI_Tool_Pack_Plus_CloverLite_035. This has been updated to version 035a. It has the latest version of ImDisk now. Also, there was a problem if you tried to run  'RestoreE2B (run as admin).cmd' from Windows Explorer by using right-click+Run as Admin AND if you had not installed RMPrepUSB into it's default location on your Windows system (reported by Anderson - thanks!) - this is fixed in the new version.

P.S. No more language files have been sent to me yet - why not achieve some small amount of fame and world gratitude by translating the E2B strings.txt file into your own language?  Instructions are in a previous blog post here. You can even use Google Translate to do most of the grunt work! If you are German or Spanish speaking, please can you check the existing STRINGS.txt files as there are probably some errors as I used Google Translate to make them!

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Another E2B language and @DED-LEGO@

Mr TSAI has kindly sent me a Traditional Chinese language file.

The latest languages will always be in the file located in the Easy2Boot Alternate Download areas.

These are now:
Chinese Simplified
Chinese Traditional
German (Beta)
Spanish (Beta)

Memoarfaa has confirmed that the @DED-LEGO@ GFX menu package works with E2B - see the reboot forum posts starting here. You will need to increase the default number of entries from 15 however by re-compiling the file (why not try 100?).

@DED-LEGO@ showing the E2B menu with walking penguin and animated clock, etc.

Please note: E2B does not fully support GFX Menus or @DED-LEGO@/RIPPER menus and I am only willing to spend a few minutes on any issues/questions you may have concerning these.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Easy2Boot v1.52 includes SPANISH, GERMAN and CHINESE support

The Spanish and German STRINGS.txt files probably need some corrections. If you see any problems please just modify the STRINGS.txt file and send me the new version.