Wednesday 28 December 2022

Latest eBook (PDF) 'Getting started with Ventoy v1.14' is now available

I have updated the eBook for Ventoy v1.0.86 and added some more exercises, etc.

If you have already purchased an older version of the PDF, just use the link in the confirmation email to download the new version of the PDF for free.

The Ventoy eBook contains many hints and tips such as how to make an external F6 user menu that can run grub and grub4dos commands (including how to use grub4dos paths/filenames with spaces).

I have also revised some of the other eBooks to bring them up to date.

Here is a list of the current versions, most have been updated within the last few months:
  • E2B #1 - Getting started with Easy2Boot_v2.22.pdf
  • E2B #2 - How to install Microsoft Windows using Easy2Boot_v1.9.pdf
  • E2B #3 - How to make a UEFI multi-boot Easy2Boot USB drive using .imgPTN files v1.03.pdf
  • E2B #4 - UEFI-multiboot using the a1ive grub2 File Manager_v1.26.pdf
  • Getting started with Ventoy v1.14 (for Ventoy v1.0.86).pdf
  • Getting started with grub4dos_v1.03.pdf
Just use the download link in your conformation email to download the latest version. All updates are free.

Thursday 22 December 2022

Free Christmas games

Don't just watch TV at Christmas, enjoy the time that you are together!

After a hearty and boozy Xmas lunch, many families play Charades, but here are two more games my family like and play quite often:

Call my Bluff

This is just like the TV game. You will need two large dictionaries (or online dictinaries) and split into two teams each with a captain.

1. Each team finds an obscure word in their dictionary. One person in the team must give the true definition and the others must make up false definitions.
2. One team starts first, states the word and then each team member 'defines' the meaning of their chosen word. The person giving the true definition can, of course, adjust it and embelish it, as long as they don't change the core meaning. The person(s) giving their own made-up but plausible definition must sound as convincing as possible.
3. The other team can ask questions (say 2 each) and then the captain must decide which one was giving the true meaning and then ask if they were correct. They score one point if they guess right.
4. Now its the other teams turn.

This can be quite hilarious, especially if you can lie well and can keep a straight face!

Like or Hate

Going round the table or room one person at a time, each person must say out loud one thing that they either hate or love, e.g. horror movies, Marmite crisps, oysters, Mr Bean, yellow cars, etc. and write either LOVE or HATE on a card.  The others must put their hand on their heart if they think you love that thing or stick their finger in their mouth if they think you hate it. You then must show the card and explain why you love/hate it. You record the scores as one point for anyone who guessed correctly and as you take the scores, each person must explain if they agree with you or not and why, as they lower their 'voting' hand.

 Instead of points, you can substitute shots (but maybe not for granny).

What are your favourite family games?

Tuesday 13 December 2022

How to prevent DropBox interfering with compilers and other programs

I have good internet performance and I use a local DropBox folder which is synchronised to the 'Cloud'. This works well for all the files that I want to backup and preserve.

I also put all my development folders in the DropBox folder so that, should I have a disk failure or damaged/corrupted filesystem, I will not lose any recent changes and days of work.

Of course, I make offline backups too, but this maybe only once a month or at the finish of a new project or project update.

One of my projects uses Inno Setup to make a self-installing .exe file, however, I noticed that very often the Inno Setup compile operation would fail to complete when using a project which contained files situated in a DropBox folder. I could try compiling maybe five times before the last attempt would work. If I used a non-DropBox folder then there was never any problem. Presumably, DropBox was busy synchronising any recently changed files and this interfered with the compiler.

To fix the issue I decided to write a small batch file to temporarily suspend dropbox, run Inno Setup and then re-enable DropBox. Here is a simplified example:

REM suspend dropbox
pssuspend dropbox  >nul 2>&1
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\ISCC.exe" .\_InnoE2B.iss > nul
if errorlevel 1 echo FAILED! & PAUSE
REM re-enable dropbox
pssuspend dropbox -r > nul

This seems to do the trick!

Sunday 4 December 2022

E2B v2.19c Beta available with INDONESIAN language menu option

A user, Mikail, has kindly spent a lot of time and effort adding the two language files to support INDONESIAN for the E2B menu system.

If you can understand Indonesian, please test the latest E2B v2.19c Beta and check all menu entries, help text and the F1 help menu pages.

Check the 'Latest Beta' folder in the 'Alternate Downloads' 1Drive or Box depositories to download the new Beta.