Thursday 7 August 2014

Add a Change Language menu entry to Easy2Boot

This Change_Language.mnu file will be in the Sample mnu Files folder in v1.55 and later versions.
It allows the user to temporarily change the language strings (until reboot).

Using this and the Change_Theme.mnu, you can demo E2B to your colleagues!

You can modify it by adding or removing languages or write it in a different language other than English (save the file as UTF-8 if using non ASCII characters).

title Change the E2B Language\n Change the standard E2B menus to a different language
echo Change Language
echo -e ===============
echo Only the standard E2B menu entries, headings and some prompts will change.
echo  Note: This does not change the E2B Header or the Footer help text
echo Please choose a language...
echo 1 English
echo 2 Spanish
echo 3 German
echo 4 Brazilian Portuguese
echo 5 Simplified Chinese
echo 6 Traditional Chinese
set ask=
set /p ask=Please enter a number : 
if "%ask%"=="2" set LANG=SPANISH
if "%ask%"=="3" set LANG=GERMAN
if "%ask%"=="4" set LANG=PORTU_BRAZIL
if "%ask%"=="5" set LANG=SIMP_CHINESE
if "%ask%"=="6" set LANG=TRAD_CHINESE

configfile /%grub%/Menu.lst

Note that you can set a default language in your \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg file, but it must be set using a line like this - otherwise the Change Language menu will not work:

if "%LANG%"=="" set LANG=SPANISH

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