- Just some extra variable tweaks added for those of you that really want to play around with the menu structure!
- Also added a 'beep' feature - when the Main menu loads, you can make it beep 1 to 3 times by setting the beep variable in your MyE2B.cfg file.
- If only one XP ISO, or only one Vista/7/SVR2K8 xml file is found, then it will now be automatically selected for you so you are not presented with a choice of 1 thing!
- Menu numbering can be turned off (AUTONUM=0)
- more global hotkey examples added to Sample_MyE2B.cfg
- New WinInstMain theme template example added to docs folder
The web page for E2B (72a) has been updated to match v 1.14 features.
Let me know if you find any bugs!
P.S. Some bugs were found. Now v1.15 is available!
Sample_MyE2B.cfg v1.14
# IMPORTANT: This file MUST begin with !BAT
# PLEASE READ www.rmprepusb.com - Tutorial #72a for full details
# --- THIS FILE CAN BE COPIED TO \_ISO\MyE2B.cfg and then edited to change E2B ---
# To use your own settings, change the language, words, startup behaviour, etc.
# copy this file to MyE2B.cfg
# # symbols comment out a line - do not remove!
# ### means you can uncomment and use ### lines - they should contain a command
# e.g.
# # Auto menu - this should not be uncommented - do not delete the # symbol
# ###set DEFM_MNU=0 - this can be uncommented and changed by the user
# If you want to get rid of any early startup messages displayed by E2B use clear
### clear
# set cursor off the screen so no text or cursor is seen for a while (cursor set to column 0 row 128!)
### call Fn.5 0 128
### AUTONUM=0x0000 sets autonumbering off, 0x2001 sets numbering on with a space (default), use 0x2d01 for hyphen
#set AUTONUM=0x2001
#If you really want to use a gfxmenu then specify the 'message' file here
#There are many gfxmenu limitations include (if error goes to text mode, no timeout or default option, number of isos cannot be displayed)
#Place your gfxmenu file in the /_ISO folder - see Tut 72a for details.
set GFX=
###set GFX=message
# Text-mode menu (no wallpaper) - suppresses graphicsmode (must use 'none')
# Try these settings if using text mode - set HBTM=2301 set HCOLOUR=0104 set FCOLOUR=0104
# Try these text colours - color normal=0x%lgrey%%%lcyan% highlight=0x%cyan%%%red% helptext=0x%lgrey%%%yellow% standard=0x%black%%%lcyan% border=0x%red%
###set GFX=none
#Turn off alphabetical sorting of menu entries (speeds up enumeration of menus slightly)
###set NOSORT=1
# ------------ HEADING AND FOOTER TEXT COLOUR ---------
# HCOLOUR sets the colour of the HEADING and FOOTER TEXT text
# A=0/1 1 = BLINK text (does not work under VM)
# B=0/1 1 = BRIGHT colour for foreground text
# C=0-7 = BACKGROUND colour - transparent if graphics mode so has no effect!
# D=0-7 = FOREGROUND menu text colour
# Colours parameters are: 0=black/grey 1=dark blue, 2=green, 3=aqua, 4=dark red, 5=pink, 6=yellow/brown, 7=grey/white.
# e.g. 0133 is non-blinking bright aqua text (on a dark aqua background if not in graphics mode)
set HCOLOUR=0133
set FCOLOUR=0133
# set the version number (is set by E2B already) - used in HEADING (see %VER% below)
###set VER=
# --------- MENU HEADINGS -----
# Headings must be between two \x20 and between 58 and 78 characters long - but not more than 78 or will get line wrapover if in 640x480 mode
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
# \x202345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\x20
# XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX <- text must end in this area!
set HEADING=\x20 EASY2BOOT V1 - MAIN MENU (%VER%) \x20
#Heading and Help for DIRECT AUTO menu
set HDRAUTOH=Boot any file in the \_ISO\AUTO folder and below.
if not "%GFX%"=="" set HDRAUTO=DIRECT BOOT Menu (\_ISO\AUTO)
# set the Default menu entry to be pre-selected in the Windows menu
set DEFM_WIN=0
set HDG_VISTA=\x20 --- Windows Vista install --- \x20
set HDG_2K8=\x20 --- Server 2008 R2 install --- \x20
set HDG_7=\x20 --- Windows 7 install --- \x20
set HDG_8=\x20 --- Windows 8 install --- \x20
set HDG_2012=\x20 --- Server 2012 Install --- \x20
# use \x20 for no text at the bottom of the menus - e.g. set HELPTEXT=\x20
set HELPTEXT=HDD0 [F7] Back [F8] Reboot [F9] Power Off [F10] www.RMPrepUSB.com
# set graphics mode - use 640, or 800 or 1024 - or specify full mode - e.g. 800 600 24
# 640 and 800 is supported by the default background bitmap
set GMODE=800
set MYWBMP=/_ISO/mybackground.bmp
set MYWBMPGZ=/_ISO/mybackground.bmp.gz
# -------- MENU COLOURS -------
# Colour pairs are Text/Background - i.e cyan/blue = cyan text on blue background
# Use black if a transparent background is required for menu highlight background - e.g. highlight=red/black
# Valid colours are: black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, brown, light-gray, dark-gray, light-blue, light-green, light-cyan, light-red, light-magenta, yellow and white.
# normal = normal menu text
# highlight = highlighted menu text when a menu entry is selected
# helptext = the colour of the title help text shown just below the menu box
# standard = the console background and text colours (e.g. when listing files)
# border = the colour of the border of the menu box
color normal=light-cyan/black highlight=red/cyan helptext=yellow/black standard=light-cyan/black border=light-gray/black
# You can also set a full colour value 24-bit as 0xRRGGBB, the value must be larger than 0xFF to work correctly however
# the background colour will be set to black (transparent in graphics mode menus)
# See http://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/RGB_Color.htm
# Red=0xFF0000 Green=0x00FF00 Blue=0x0100FF (must be larger than FF so add 01 to red!), Yellow=0xFFFF00, White=0xffffff, Brown=0x994c00
### color border=0xFF0000
### color normal=0x777700
### color highlight=0xffffff
# ----- MENU POSITION ---
# If using 640 or 800 x-resolution - the settings below will change automatically depending on GMODE value set above
# word_spacing line_spacing border_width top_help number_of_items_in_menu top_start menu_width right_start_pos_of_menu
# use tophelp=topstart+noitems for menu help text just under menu box
set wdspace=0
set lnspace=0
set topstart=2
set rstart=3
set noitems=18
set menuw=62
set bdwidth=1
set tophelp=20
#Bottom Easy2Boot HELPTEXT position YYXX
set HBTM=2800
# --- AUTOMATICALLY CHANGE border parameters if 800x600 set, else don't change -----
if "%GMODE%"=="800" set noitems=24
if "%GMODE%"=="800" set tophelp=26
# if in 800 hres set, put bottom help text lower down - 36 lines if 800 mode
if "%GMODE%"=="800" set HBTM=3501
#The line below will set a password of 'easy2boot' to stop users editing the menus accidentally (encrypted)
#You can use en encrypted md5 value or a plain text value (see Tutorial 72a for details)
#If YOU want to edit the menus, press p and then enter the password (you can use an unencypted password like this: 'set pwd=fred')
set pwd=--md5 $1$1$okAQ3AJUdhqf3TVrwKvJP1
###set pwd=fred
#If you want to set a Master password for Easy2Boot to prevent anyone from using it
#(e.g. 'fred') uncomment and edit the following 2 lines (you can use --md5 format if you wish)
###password fred || echo -e \x20WRONG PASSWORD! && goto :mpwd
#To reboot if the password is wrong, change goto :mpwd to reboot
#Tip: For better security, use 7Zip to compress this file to GZip format (keep the filename as MyE2B.cfg) or use lzma.exe (See Tut 72a for details)
# and set it's file attribute to 'Hidden'.
# ---- KEYBOARD TYPE -----
#set which keyboard you are using (one only!) - see the KBD_xxxx.g4b files in the grub folder if you want to modify the key mapping
###set KBD=KBD_AZERTY.g4b
###set KBD=KBD_FRENCH.g4b
###set KBD=KBD_GERMAN.g4b
###set KBD=KBD_JAPAN_106.g4b
###set KBD=KBD_QWERTY_UK.g4b
###set KBD=KBD_QWERTZ.g4b
###set KBD=KBD_QWERTY_UK.g4b
#This disables the loading of batch file modules into memory for faster execution (so MOD=1 may slower)
#if too many files or variables cause grub4dos to crash then uncomment the line
###set MOD=1
###set redir=> nul
###set redirp=> nul
# If file extension is .ISO ask user how to run it (e.g. run as if .ISOPE or .ISOWINVH, etc.)
# Use if you have a Zalman Virtual CD USB HDD caddy and you want to keep all .iso files as .iso (tip: use a .txt file with a help entry to remind you which one works best!)
### set ISOASK=1
# If DEFMENU=0 then the '0 Set default menu entry' menu item in the Main menu will not be listed
### set DEFMENU=0
# If NOUNIFONT=1 then the unifont font file is not loaded (to save time) but only ASCII characters will be displayed
# You can then delete the 1MB \_ISO\e2b\grub\unifont.hex.gz file if you wish
### set NOUNIFONT=1
# If NOF7HD is set then the Boot from HDD0 F7 menu entry is suppressed in all menus (delete MAINMENU\ZZZF7BootHdd.mnu if not wanted in Main menu)
### set NOF7HD=0
# If the NOF8B is set then the Windows menu will not display F8 Back to Main Menu (delete MAINMENU\ZZZF8ReloadMenu.mnu if not wanted in Main menu)
### set NOF8B=0
# If NOF9R is set then the F9 Reboot menu item will not be listed in any menu (remember to change HELPTEXT too)
### set NOF9R=1
# If NOF10H is set then the F10 Power Off/Halt menu item will not be listed in any menu (remember to change HELPTEXT too)
### set NOF10H=1
# If NOFLMENU is set then the Refresh FASTLOAD cache Main menu entry will be suppressed
### set NOFLMENU=1
# NOWMENU causes a Windows Install sub-sub menu to return back to the Main menu rather than return to the Windows Install menu
### set NOWMENU=1
# ---- GLOBAL HOTKEYS (applies to all menus) ------
# clear all global hotkeys and reload the hotkey program (only really useful in other menus)
### ()/%grub%/hotkey -u > nul ;; ()/%grub%/hotkey > nul
# Program hotkeys to work in ALL menus - no menu entry is required. Some examples below
# add global hotkeys - examples only - use ;; or && to separate commands
### ()/%grub%/hotkey [F9] "reboot" > nul
### ()/%grub%/hotkey [F10] "halt" > nul
### ()/%grub%/hotkey [Ctrl+F9] "clear ;; echo \nLoading Windows menu... ;; configfile /_ISO/e2b/grub/menuwininstall.lst" > nul
### ()/%grub%/hotkey [ctrl+f7] "clear && echo $[0004] \n\nPress a key to reboot\n && pause && reboot" > nul
# Set hotkey for FASTLOAD Refresh - only use if /FASTLOAD.YES is present
### if exist (bd)/FASTLOAD.YES ()/%grub%/hotkey [Ctrl+R] "clear && echo REFRESH > /FASTLOAD.YES && configfile /%grub%/menu.lst" > nul
### ()/%grub%/hotkey [F8] "configfile (md)0xa000+0x50" > nul
### ()/%grub%/hotkey [F8] "configfile (bd)/%grub%/menu.lst" > nul
### clear only one global hotkey setting (can be used in .mnu files or .hdr and .lst files - e.g. MenuWininstall.lst)
### ()/%grub%/hotkey [F9] > nul
# Information: \_ISO\menu_defaults.txt will fix which initial main menu default entry will be highlighted and the timeout in seconds.
# Only use if you set DEFMENU to suppress the 'Set default menu entry'
# e.g. use these 3 lines for the first menu item as default and no timeout
# (to prevent the menu number being displayed at the top of the screen add debug 0 to the file)
### # fix the default entry and timeout (debug 0 prevents menu item number at top right from being displayed)
### default 0
### timeout -1
### debug 0
# Beep when Main menu loads, values 1, 2 or 3 only (only works if internal speaker fitted to system)
### set beep=3
Q: What did John McEnroe say to Padfoot at the Hogwarts tennis courts?
A: 'You cannot be Sirius!'