Friday 31 January 2014

Easy2Boot .mnu files

Usually, when adding payload files to Easy2Boot, you just need to copy the file over and make sure it is contiguous. In some cases you may need to modify the file extension slightly too. However, for some 'special' payload files or if you want persistence when booting from linux ISOs, we need to use a .mnu file.

Below is a list of some of the .mnu files that can be found in the \_ISO\docs\Sample mnu Files folder of the Easy2Boot download in v1.25. More may be added to later versions, so always check for new examples!
Instructions on how to use .mnu files can be found by opening them in Notepad and reading the instructions within.

Most of these are for use with specific ISOs, however if you change the filenames inside the .mnu file, then you should be able to use them with different versions of the same type.

As these use the new $HOME$ variable (= path of the .mnu file), you can place a .mnu file together with it's payload (ISO) file in any folder (of any name) below the 'level 2' folder. For example, you can place a .mnu file+ISO file at \_ISO\MAINMENU\MNU or \_ISO\MAINMENU\FRED or \_ISO\LINUX\DORIS\JACK\JIM and it will work without needing to edit the contents of the .mnu file. The filename of the .mnu file is also arbitrary and you can change it to whatever you like, it does not have to exactly match the payload filename. This means by changing the folder name and filename of the .mnu files, you can change the order in which they are listed in the E2B menus. You must keep the payload (ISO) file in the same folder as the .mnu file however, and of course, the name of the ISO file must match the one specified inside the .mnu file exactly.

Note that the linux+persistence .mnu files are not mutually exclusive - you can run all of these linux OS's with persistence from the one single E2B USB drive (and unlike XBOOT, they work even if the E2B drive was formatted as NTFS).

Some files are .txt files. These should be placed together with their payload file (which must be exactly the same filename) in a Menu folder (e.g. \_ISO\MAINMENU or \_ISO\LINUX). The .txt file will be used as the menu entry for the corresponding payload file. Usually, the .txt file contains extra 'help' instructions which will appear at the bottom of the menu when that menu item is selected by the user.

$AddWin2Main.mnu - example menu showing you how you can add individual Windows Install ISOs to the Main menu

bitdefender-rescue-cd.mnu - boot from a bitdefender ISO with persistence
Boot Windows direct from USB.mnu - if you have Windows To Go installed onto your E2B drive, you can boot to it using this .mnu file
BT5R2-GNOME-32.mnu - boot from a BackTrack 5 ISO with persistence
CloneZillaBackupRestoreHDD0.mnu - You can semi-automate backing up and restoring the 1st internal hard disk using a clonezilla ISO (for use use with a large E2B USB HDD)
crunchbang-11-20130506-i686.txt - Example .txt file for crunchbang ISOs with help text to aid installing it to a hard disk
dft32_v416_b00_install.mnu - for Hitachi Drive Fitness Test

DLCD_ISO_Extracted.mnu - For DLC version of Hirens

Dos622.img.mnu - .mnu file for DOS622.img
E2B_PTN_SWAP.mnu - for use with an E2B USb Flash drive where E2B is on the 2nd partition
ERD2005.mnu - for ERDCommander2005.iso 
ESet System Rescue (WinPE Flat File).mnu - extract Eset System Rescue ISO and run it directly from your E2B drive
Falcon4.6 (folder)  - How to extract and run Falcon4's version of Hirens Boot CD
FD0-konboot-v1.1-2in1.mnu - how to add konboot - change the filename and it will work with Konboot 2.1 (XP Pro and Win 7 64-bit tested and works!)
Fedora_Persistent.mnu - Run Fedora from an ISO with persistence
FreeDos_fdbasecd.iso.mnu - Run fdbasecd.iso
geexbox-3.0-i386.mnu - Run GeexBox with persistence
hdt-0.5.0.img.mnu - Hardware Diagnostic Tool HDT hdt-0.5.0.img.gz
HirensBootCD_Extracted.mnu - Run HBCD from extracted files in \HBCD folder - gives full HBCD functionailty
HirensISO.mnu - if you have hirens as an ISO, this allows you to run Konboot from it or miniXP (not required if you use extracted ISO)
kali-linux-1.0.2-i386.mnu - Kali with persistence
kali-linux-1.0.5-amd64.mnu  Kali with persistence
kali-linux-1.0.5-amd64.txt - .txt file for Kali (no persistence) with instructions on how to install to an internal HDD
kali-linux-1.0.5-i386.mnu  Kali with persistence
Kaspersky_Rescue_10.mnu - with instructions on how to keep updates on the E2B drive
lubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386_Persistent.mnu - lubuntu ISO with persistence
mandriva-linux-PWP-2011-i586.mnu - Use this if you want to install mandriva (and not just run as a LiveCD)
OphCrack.mnu - .mnu for Ophcrack (with instructions)
pclinuxos-kde-fullmonty-2012.09.mnu - pclinuxos-kde-fullmonty-2012.09.iso with persistence
Porteus-v1.1-i486.mnu - porteus with persistence
Porteus-v2.0-i486.mnu - porteus with persistence
POS2009_ReadMe.txt - Instructions on how to add Microsoft POS2009 Installer to E2B
PTN2_Menu.mnu - If you have a \_ISO folder containing payload files on the 2nd partition of your E2B drive, this menu will allow you to run them (not for Windows Install ISOs)
Puppy_Precise_USB_Flash_Persistence.mnu - Puppy with persistence if E2B is on a Flash drive
Puppy_Precise_USB_HDD_Persistence .mnu - Puppy with persistence if E2B is on a USB HDD
ReactOS-LiveCD.mnu - ReactOS must be extracted to the E2B drive - instructions inside this file.
ReadMe.txt - guess what!
SimplyMEPIS-1.5G_11.9.86_32.mnu - for SimplyMEPIS-1.5G_11.9.86_32.iso 
Slax7.0.8_32_persistent.mnu - slax708_32/ with persistence (read instructions)
StartOS-5.1-LiveCD-i686.mnu  - StartOS-5.1-LiveCD-i686.iso with persistence
StartOS.mnu - startos-5.0-20120808.iso with persistence
Tails_USB_HDD_Only.mnu - required for Tails ISO if you are using an E2B USB HDD (persistence optional)
UBCD4WINBuilder.mnu - use .isomemfira or this .mnu for UBCDWin ISOs
ubuntu-13.04-desktop-amd64_Persistent.mnu - ubuntu ISO with persistence
ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386_Persistent.mnu - ubuntu ISO with persistence
ubuntu12.10_Persistent.mnu - ubuntu ISO with persistence
Win7PESE.ini - example ini file for booting WinPEs made with WinBuilder - see this Tutorial for more info about WinBuilder PE ISOs.
xbmcbuntu_12.2_Persist.mnu - run xbmcbuntu with persistence from your E2B drive
YLMF_OS_3.0_Persistent.mnu - run YLMF with persistence (now outdated by StartOS)

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