Friday 29 July 2016

Add Parted Magic 2016 with SAVE feature to E2B

Here is the .mnu file for the PMagic 2016 ISO with the SAVE feature supported.

This .mnu file auto-detects a 64-bit CPU.


# Copy this file and iso to same folder (e.g. \_ISO\LINUX\MNU)
# if using Parted Magic and want LIVE Save Session (persistence) to work - make sure the \pmagic\pmodules folder on the E2B USB drive contains a PMAGIC_2016_07_12.SQFS file.  NOTE: CASE-SENSITIVE - must be same case as in ISO file.
# The file can be of 0 bytes in size as long as the filename is the same as is inside the ISO file you are using.
# SAVE feature only works on USB drives (not under a VM)

iftitle [if exist $HOME$/pmagic_2016_07_12.iso] Parted Magic 2016 (LIVE)\n Boot Parted Magic with Save Session option.
set ISO=$HOME$/pmagic_2016_07_12.iso

#set keymap=keymap=us
#set keymap=keymap=uk
if "%LANG%"=="GERMAN"       set keymap=keymap=de-latin1 de_DE
if "%LANG%"=="SPANISH"      set keymap=keymap=es es_ES
if "%LANG%"=="FRENCH"       set keymap=keymap=fr-latin1 fr_FR
if "%LANG%"=="ITALIAN"      set keymap=keymap=it it_IT
if "%LANG%"=="PORTU_BRAZIL" set keymap=keymap=br-abnt2 pt_BR
if "%LANG%"=="POLISH"       set keymap=keymap=pl pl_PL
if "%LANG%"=="SIMP_CHINESE" set keymap=keymap=us zh_CN
if "%LANG%"=="TRAD_CHINESE" set keymap=keymap=us zh_CN

if not exist /pmagic/pmodules/PMAGIC_2016_07_12.SQFS pause --wait=5 WARNING: \pmagic\pmodules\PMAGIC_2016_07_12.SQFS does not exist - SAVE feature not enabled!

set default=edd=on vga=normal
set LIVE=boot=live eject=no
set linux_64=/pmagic/bzImage64
set linux_32=/pmagic/bzImage
set init_img=/pmagic/initrd.img /pmagic/fu.img /pmagic/m64.img
set init_32=/pmagic/initrd.img /pmagic/fu.img /pmagic/m32.img
map --read-only %ISO% (0xff) || map --mem %ISO% (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)

# For 1GiB+ 64-bit systems use:
checkrange 2,3 is64bit && pause --wait=3 Booting 64-bit version...
checkrange 2,3 is64bit && kernel %linux_64% %default% iso_filename=%ISO% %keymap% %LIVE%
checkrange 2,3 is64bit && initrd %init_img%
checkrange 2,3 is64bit && boot

pause --wait=3 Booting 32-bit version...
kernel %linux_32% %default% iso_filename=%ISO% %keymap% %LIVE%
initrd %init_32%

This .mnu file will be in the next version of E2B v1.82  \_ISO\docs\Sample mnu files folder.

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