Thursday, 19 January 2023

New Windows Update for XP

If have tried to install XP recently, you may have experienced some difficulties!

It is no longer supported by Microsoft and many things no longer work.

You should start off by installing XP using the latest install ISO that you can find (preferably a 'legal' unactivated/unhacked) one. 

Once installed, if USB 2/3 is not working, you can boot to a Windows 10 Install ISO or a WinPE ISO from the E2B\Ventoy USB drive and simply copy over the network drivers from your USB drive to the XP hard disk - then reboot to XP and install the drivers from the hard disk.

One of the first things to get working are the network drivers and a browser. The correct drivers can be loaded from a USB drive (if USB access is working). You could use Snappy Driver Origin stored on a USB drive if you do not have internet access and need to install network drivers (set it up using an Ethernet connection to start with as WiFi drivers may be hard to find and set up at first).

Internet Explorer on XP also has problems and doesn't work with many web sites now but you can install a different, more modern browser such as Opera for XP instead.

Next we need to run Windows Update to get the latest drivers and Windows components, however Windows Update for XP no longer works!

No problem though, we can simply use Legacy Update for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/SVR2003/SVR2008!

I haven't actually tried this myself yet as it looks fairly new (first release October 2022) but it looks great!

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