Wednesday, 15 January 2020

grubfm grub2 menus to install Windows+XML files

I have added two examples to the Alternate Downloads - a1ive grub2 file manager folder.

Win10 1909 x64.cfg

Add this into any folder on the E2B partition and select it - then choose the 'Open as Grub2 Menu' option.

Edit the .cfg file as required. You can have multiple .cfg files in one folder for quicker access from the File Manager GUI.

Run as a grub2 menu


The filename must be the same as the .ISO file name and in the same folder.

The XML file required must also be in the same folder.

Navigate to the ISO file and then select the ISO, choose User menu...

After selecting the ISO, you will see a User menu.

Select from the User Menu

The .grubfm could contain more than one menu (e.g. for different XML files).

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