Paul wanted to prevent certain payloads from being listed in the E2B menu system so that the normal user would not be aware that they even existed.
He wanted a secret hotkey + password which would allow the hidden payloads to appear in the E2B menu system.
We can stop any file from being listed as a payload in E2B by using a .txt file and the iftitle test feature. For instance, we can test for the environment variable 'SECRET' and if it does not exist then the menu entry will not be shown...
iftitle [if exist SECRET] Windows 10 English International (32-bit)\n My Secret ISO
We can set the SECRET variable using a hotkey + password.
In the example below, if you type CTRL+F9 (in any menu) then a blank screen will appear with a password prompt.
You can then type the password SECRET (in capital letters), and any hidden menu items will then magically appear in the E2B menus!
To make them disappear again, type CTRL+F9 again and press ENTER instead of entering the correct password or press F8 when in the Main menu to reload E2B. Or you could define a CTRL+F10 key to hide them all again more quickly (see below).
Here is how to set this up...