This version 1.B9a should work correctly with WinPE x64 Sergei Strelec ISOs as long as you use the .isofira01 file extension.
Previous versions worked OK with 32-bit WinPE but not with 64-bit WinPE.
This issue should now be fixed and you should get the full Desktop icons now.
Let me know how it goes!
P.S. If testing using VBox+VMUB, set VM OS to a 64-bit OS but NOT WINDOWS! e.g. Windows 10 64-bit does not work (firadisk does not load ISO), but using 'Linux\Ubuntu 64' or 'Other 64-bit' works!
Previous versions worked OK with 32-bit WinPE but not with 64-bit WinPE.
This issue should now be fixed and you should get the full Desktop icons now.
Let me know how it goes!
P.S. If testing using VBox+VMUB, set VM OS to a 64-bit OS but NOT WINDOWS! e.g. Windows 10 64-bit does not work (firadisk does not load ISO), but using 'Linux\Ubuntu 64' or 'Other 64-bit' works!