We can use grub4dos to detect the CPU bitness using the is64bit command.
We can use this to make a .mnu file for the MAINMENU folder:
# Display as menu item if CPU is 32-bit or 64-bit
iftitle [checkrange 2,3 is64bit] --- INFORMATION: 64-bit CPU ---
errorcheck off
iftitle [checkrange 0,1 is64bit] --- INFORMATION: 32-bit CPU ---
errorcheck off
To make a menu entry that will allow the user to check it use:
To make a .mnu file for a 64-bit ISO that will only be visible if the system has a 64-bit CPU, we can use:
iftitle [if exist $HOME$/Ubuntu64.iso && checkrange 2,3 is64bit] Ubuntu 64-bit \n Boot from a 64-bit ISO
E2B v1.56 Main menu heading shows CPU type and total usable system memory
We can use this to make a .mnu file for the MAINMENU folder:
# Display as menu item if CPU is 32-bit or 64-bit
iftitle [checkrange 2,3 is64bit] --- INFORMATION: 64-bit CPU ---
errorcheck off
iftitle [checkrange 0,1 is64bit] --- INFORMATION: 32-bit CPU ---
errorcheck off
To make a menu entry that will allow the user to check it use:
title Check the Processor\n Detect if CPU is 32-bit or 64-bit
checkrange 2,3 is64bit && pause Processor is 64-bit
checkrange 0,1 is64bit && pause Processor is 32-bit
checkrange 0,1 is64bit && pause Processor is 32-bit
errorcheck off
The 64Bit_Auto_Detect_ISO.mnu file in the E2B Sample mnu folder has an example where either a 32-bit or 64-bit ISO will be automatically run depending on the system CPU:
# Change the 1st, 2nd and 3rd line as required - line 4 may be deleted if no pause required
title Run a 32-bit or 64-bit linux ISO \n Auto-Detect system type and run correct ISO
set ISO=Ubuntu32.iso
checkrange 2,3 is64bit && set ISO=Ubuntu64.iso
pause WILL BOOT %ISO% - Press ENTER key to continue...
/%grub%/qrun.g4b $HOME$/%ISO%
iftitle [if exist $HOME$/Ubuntu64.iso && checkrange 2,3 is64bit] Ubuntu 64-bit \n Boot from a 64-bit ISO
/%grub%/qrun.g4b $HOME$/Ubuntu64.iso